3D Rain Test

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This is a rain test that i did in maya that i might use in my project. The rain particles doesn’t look good specially when it collides with the ground plane but all it needs is some tweaking, but the aim in this test is to apply the rain in a scene and make it collide with the ground so it looks a bit realistic.

Light Streak Test

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This is a test that i did using AE to create the light streak effect. The light streak effect is a long exposure light painting effect that I will apply in my project for cars and people passing by.

New Reference image

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Here is the first scene that i will start to model. This image is taken here in Dundee in an alley, the flash from the camera ruins the light in the scene but i had to use it for other people to see the scene clearly. What i like about this location is that it is exactly what i was looking for, the lights are really nice and they give the scene a little amount of light which makes it view-able but in the same time it makes the viewer fear a little bit the location but in the same time at the end of the alley there is a shop which has some red lights and these lights give some warmth and hope to the scene.

Reference image

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This is a reference image that i found on google. It`s a picture of an alley that i liked and my model would look something similar to that.