Better output of the Macmanus

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Here is a better output of the interior of the Macmanus that i modeled. This one is not final, the christmas tree needs some work but this image has more realistic lighting.

Final output

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This is an output of what i worked on as a 3d scene. The purpose of modeling this scene is to try to simulate different lighting and rendering techniques.


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This is where i am in modelling the scene i posted before (Macmanus). In terms of modelling its done i only have to change some of the decorations on the christmas tree and maybe add some more. The textures are not final; the floor and the stairs specially. In this photo no lights are created yet, its the maya default lighting and this is what i am going to work on till the end of the time i have.

If anyone have any suggestions please do specially cause i have been working on it for several days so some stuff wont be visible to me as it would be for the other viewers. And if anyone has any questions post them here and i will be happy to answer them.